
Pablo is a pen name, a ‘nom de plume’ if you will. I live with The Girl (except that she’s away at university), The Boy, and Princess Buttercup. We have no pets, currently. I have a job that takes some of my time, but allows me to spend a decent amount of time with my family. I’m a self-professed Grammar Snob. I enjoy writing, thinking, drinking, thinking some more …

Where did the name ‘Pablo’ come from? I think it’s a variation on ‘Papa’ given me by The Girl. When she’s feeling super affectionate, she’ll call me ‘Pablito.’

I’ve been inspired by many of the blogs I’ve seen on WordPress. If I had to pick just one, I guess it would be Tamara Out Loud. She writes so well, she always leaves me thinking, and I always enjoy what she has to say. Check it out.

– Pablo

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